The Orphan Spirit

Orphan spirits may be something you’ve never heard of before. Demonic spirits invade a person’s mind, causing them to feel abandoned by their past hurts and experiences.  Whenever someone suffers abandonment, rejection, and great disappointment, it attacks their mind and emotions. An orphan spirit attaches itself to a person who has experienced extreme rejection in their life. As a result, separation, worry, anxiety, and fear are created.  As this spirit enters a person, it becomes a stronghold in their minds and remains there until God’s Word becomes a new foundational truth in their lives.

Individuals who accept this mental fortress will continue to pass it on to the next generation until someone stands up and says enough.
God’s Word does not support this false mindset. By putting this spirit in place, the enemy has created false beliefs.  According to the Word of God, we are accepted in the beloved. We feel unaccepted because of this lie and deception from the enemy. 

I urge you to open your heart to God’s love and to change the direction of your bloodline back to fellowship with Him.  Let him heal and cleanse your heart. Your missing link to freedom may be here.

Session 1 :
Introduction to the Orphan Spirit.

Adam became an orphan and since that time every human being the the sons of Adam every man that’s ever been created struggles with this understanding Who Am I who is my identity where do I come from and we fight with one another we fight with God but the one behind all this fighting is Lucifer the chief orphan

Session 2 :
Symptoms of an orphan spirit.

It is so important to know the symptoms of an orphan spirit. But most of all, to understand, that a son needs a father and, in this case our heavenly father. The good news is that you can get delivered from this toxic spirit.

Session 3 :
The five fold ministry in relationship to the the

growth the development of sons.

Today we will be continuing our orphan spirit journey with Dr Thinus. The last session we were dealing with the symptoms of an orphan Spirit. Today, Dr Thinus will address us how to get delivered from the Spirit of an Orphan.

Session 4 :
The Incredible importance of spiritual Fathers.

The world we living in is Fatherless.  In the beginning, the order of the universe was perfection, everything was in harmony-including relationships.  But when sin entered the world, this natural order of perfection became CHAOS.  

Session 5 :
We will continue today of the role, the importance,
the function of a spiritual father in our life’s.
Although God has given us all things in Christ,
the church has not received the fullness of
that inheritance because her ministry
is not manifested in son father relationship.

Session 6 :
The Bible teaches us the Covenant is where God joins himself to us into eternity. The Covenant that God cut with Abraham and his descendants the nation of Israel. Today is still father God’s people because of that Covenant God will never divorce them and this Covenant relationship that father God cut with the nation of the descendants of Abraham.  Will only end when we enter eternity when the final white throw judgment is is happening what we read off in Revelations 22.

Session 7 :

Today is the last session about the Orphan Spirit.
I pray in my heart that you were touched by these teachings and it helped you to understand the orphan spirit and the meaning of true son-ship.

Doctor T will be closing this volume by sharing where the orphan spirit originated from.