33 The Series

Become who you were Created to be

Authentic Manhood is all about setting men up to live lives of truth, passion and purpose. Our resources offer clear and practical Biblical insights on God’s design for manhood that are both refreshing and inspiring. We point men to a gospel-centered vision of life that sets them up to enjoy God’s grace as they pursue the promises of His Word.

Our resources, including the original Men’s Fraternity curriculum created by Dr. Robert Lewis, have influenced millions of men around the world. Our newest resource is “33 The Series.” It is a multi-volume, gospel-centered video series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way. It includes new insightful teaching, inspiring testimonies, expert interviews and multiple creative features. As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.

Volume 3 : A Man and His Traps

Identify the deep idols of your heart and develop a “Battleplan” built on God’s grace.

Session 1 : Idols

Thank you for tuning in we’re on our manhood journey and our topic for today is called Man and his idols.  Brain will introduce us to the framework of idolatry today.

Session 2 : Empty Promises

In session one and two we identified a common problem that has devastated men throughout history. Temptations and Idols are issues for all of us and guys we need a solution so how do we deal with the Deep Idols in our hearts and their outward manifestations and our Behavior.

Session 3 : Battle Plan

Last week we were introduced the process of the framework of idolatry in this session JB will delve deeper into this framework and certain Idols will be discussed in detail stay tuned and don’t miss out over to you JB.

Session 4 : XXX

In the next few sessions we want to return to the surface to look at some of the common struggles that tempt most men and can become traps. For any one of us in this session we’re going to look directly what is perhaps the most
formidable and potent Temptation in the life of a man you already know where I’m headed today we’re going to confront the issue of sexual temptation.

Session 5 : Control

Well guys throughout this entire volume we’ve been building a framework for us as men to see the real reasons why we often do the things we don’t want to do and why we don’t pursue the bigger and better things in life.  We’ve not settled for easy answers mere behavior modification or white knuckling things and sin management.  We’ve gone deep into the chest of every man to help us all understand the deep roots of our behavior and how to go to war at a soul level with an enemy that’s within us all of us.  We’ve explored the concept of deep idols and given you a Biblical battle plan to fight your Idols by admitting the struggle identifying the lies and replacing them with the truth God’s truth.

Session 6: Significance & Comfort

Well men this is the final session in this volume of 33 and no doubt this is a challenging part of our journey because it requires all of us to shine a light deep into our souls and be gut-level honest with ourselves. But this is a battle worth fighting because we’re talking about what or who you’re giving your life to we’re talking about who or what your heart is worshiping authentic manhood following Jesus is a life of Truth passion and purpose the noble Pathways The Godly life or ultimately far more satisfying than any Idol or trap.